
Get started with swapping tokens on Asset Chain

Users can decide to swap token on Mainnet or Testnet. Swapping on Testnet will use the supported test Tokens.

Click the links below to get started.


Testnet: https://swap-testnet.assetchain.org/

  1. Once you visit the links above, you'll see a screen similar to the one below. Enter your intended amount to swap, then select a suitable slippage.

  1. Click on the approve button, to approve the contract to spend your token on your behalf.

  1. After confirming the transaction in your wallet, you should see a similar screen below. Approval was successfull. Next up is actual swapping.

  1. Click on the swap button, and sign the transaction. You should see a modal similar to the one below, if successful.

Congratulations! You've swapped your token successfully.

For supported Testnet tokens, just reach out to the team here

Last updated