
Get started with staking on Asset Chain

Staking is an integral part of modern blockchain networks, offering participants the opportunity to earn rewards, contribute to network security, and engage with the community

Asset Chain supports two types of staking:

  • Validator Staking

  • Native Staking

Validator Staking

You can decide whether you want to delegate your tokens to an existing validator or become a validator yourself. Delegating is simpler and involves selecting a reliable validator to stake on your behalf.

Validators receive rewards in the form of additional tokens for successfully validating and adding blocks to the blockchain.

Proceed with the link below to get involved in this process.

Native Staking

Native Staking encourages active participation from the community. Token holders have a vested interest in the network’s success and are incentivized to act in its best interest.

This helps to increase users interest and their staking score on Asset Chain. This staking score can be used to access other important values in the Asset Chain ecosystem.

Proceed with the link below to get involved in this process.


Testnet: https://testnet-stake.assetchain.org

If you're ready to stake your RWA tokens on Asset Chain, please follow the guide below.

Last updated